@Cybrilla » September 17, 2010

Daily Archives: September 17, 2010


Decision to switch to freemarker from Jsp

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We got some good feedback and interesting suggestions from our alpha release. Thank you all.

Today we have taken a very crucial decision to switch our templating framework. We have been working on JSP for ages and suddenly changing the gears has left a feeling of nostalgia. I would like to share few points about this decision.

In the initial draft of the product, we missed an important feature – customized templates to users. The feedback waked us up and made us realize the importance of this feature.
To implement this feature, we need greater flexibility with the templating framework. The templates should be stored separately from the webapp, customized template files should go into the user’s specific directory, templates should be added dynamically to the design store and lots more. It’s not possible to get this flexibility by using JSP. Hence the decision to shift.

We did a bit of googling to find out the framework which suits our requirement. We finally zeroed in on Freemarker.